Finding focus in the midst of complexity | The Emotional Intelligence Training Company, Inc.

“Better living through chemistry” was a Dupont advertising slogan from the ’30s. The slogan implied that with modern science, life is easier. The hope was that technology would give us more leisure time. Technology and science might be making life better for some of us, but life is not necessarily easier. These days many of us seem to be working more, in addition to juggling all of our commitments outside of work.1
What can we do about this increasing complexity of work? How do we counter this trend? Let’s take a look at how a few of our emotional intelligence skills can support us in simplifying and creating a more nourishing balance in our lives.
Let’s begin with self-regard. In order to make change in our lives, we have to believe we have some agency. The EI skill of Self-Regard is about accepting our whole selves. When we have strong self-regard, we believe that we are capable and we can be honest about our limitations. And we believe that we deserve to have a balanced life, not because we’ve earned it, but because all humans inherently deserve to have a nourishing and fulfilling life. This doesn’t mean we have to love every little thing we do, but that there is enough in our lives that is meaningful…
Source: Finding focus in the midst of complexity | The Emotional Intelligence Training Company, Inc.