
Blue green and blue stripes of paint.

Using Clinical Journaling to CAPTURE Critical Thinking Acros… : Nursing Education Perspectives

Clinical journaling is used as an integrated teaching methodology throughout the practicum component of a baccalaureate nursing curriculum. Two disciplines, Nursing and English, collaborated to develop clinical journaling guidelines to provide a consistent framework for…

A person sits at a desk, writing into a journal with a pen, and a cup of coffee is in the distance.

Using Dialogue Journals as a Multi-Purpose Tool for Preservice Teacher Preparation: How Effective Is It?

INTRODUCTION: Dialogue journals, which involve teachers and students writing and exchanging their writing in mutual response, are often cited as a powerful tool for promoting reflection in teacher education. According to Bean and Zulich (1989),…

Professional development in a culture of inquiry: PDS teachers identify the benefits of professional learning communities

Professional development in a culture of inquiry: PDS teachers identify the benefits of professional learning communities – ScienceDirect

Abstract: Teacher researchers in a Professional Development School context identify two important shifts in traditional school cultures in order for teacher inquiry to thrive as a means for teacher development: a shift to community and…

An empty notebook lies on a table, open, with a pen in the crease.

Teacher self-awareness through journal writing: Reflective Practice: Vol 14, No 4

(2013). Teacher self-awareness through journal writing. Reflective Practice: Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 465-471. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2013.806300 Abstract: Reflective practice has now become the leading paradigm in second language teacher education and development programs worldwide. Teacher reflection…

Cambridge University Press

Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing | Advances in Psychiatric Treatment | Cambridge Core

Abstract: Writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events has been found to result in improvements in both physical and psychological health, in non-clinical and clinical populations. In the expressive writing paradigm, participants are asked to…

A diary makes you happier and helps brain cope with emotional upsets, psychologists say | Science | The Guardian

A diary makes you happier and helps brain cope with emotional upsets, psychologists say | Science | The Guardian

Psychologists say ‘Bridget Jones effect’ of writing about feelings helps brain regulate emotions. Matthew Lieberman, a psychologist at the University of California in Los Angeles, said the effect differs from catharsis, which usually involves coming…

Scientific Studies Show How Writing In A Journal Can Actually Benefit Your Emotional & Physical Well-Being – Collective Evolution

Scientific Studies Show How Writing In A Journal Can Actually Benefit Your Emotional & Physical Well-Being – Collective Evolution

Journaling will help you to get over a break-up or cope with other up and down relationships in your life. While it may seem to be overanalyzing, studies have shown that venting about a past…