Journaling and emotional intelligence competencies
Focusing on emotional intelligence competencies might actually be the key to unlocking effective journaling.
Focusing on emotional intelligence competencies might actually be the key to unlocking effective journaling.
Psychologist Susan David tells us how we learn to accept and grieve through authenticity and truth telling.
Lyubomirsky, S., Sousa, L., & Dickerhoof, R. (2006). The costs and benefits of writing, talking, and thinking about life’s triumphs and defeats. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(4), 692-708. Three studies considered the…
Journaling is a method frequently discussed in nursing literature and educational literature as an active learning technique that is meant to enhance reflective practice. Reflective practice is a means of self-examination that involves looking back…
Clinical journaling is used as an integrated teaching methodology throughout the practicum component of a baccalaureate nursing curriculum. Two disciplines, Nursing and English, collaborated to develop clinical journaling guidelines to provide a consistent framework for…
INTRODUCTION: Dialogue journals, which involve teachers and students writing and exchanging their writing in mutual response, are often cited as a powerful tool for promoting reflection in teacher education. According to Bean and Zulich (1989),…
Journals, in one form or another, are mainstays in many teacher education programs across the country, being commonly employed as a means of promoting reflection among prospective teachers, especially during their field experiences and during…
ABSTRACT: The effects of two journaling interventions, one focusing on emotional expression and the other on both cognitive processing and emotional expression, were compared during 1 month of journaling about a stressful or traumatic event….
The benefits of journaling have been scientifically proven to: Improve physical health and mental well-being Diminish symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic, substance abuse, PTSD, asthma, arthritis, and many other health conditions and disorders Improve cognitive…
Abstract: Teacher researchers in a Professional Development School context identify two important shifts in traditional school cultures in order for teacher inquiry to thrive as a means for teacher development: a shift to community and…
(2013). Teacher self-awareness through journal writing. Reflective Practice: Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 465-471. Abstract: Reflective practice has now become the leading paradigm in second language teacher education and development programs worldwide. Teacher reflection…
Abstract: Writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events has been found to result in improvements in both physical and psychological health, in non-clinical and clinical populations. In the expressive writing paradigm, participants are asked to…
Ten years ago, the idea of going through my life without writing it all down in my journal was unthinkable. Source: The Biggest Benefit of Journaling (That No One Is Talking About) “Journaling isn’t just…
Before embarking on diary writing, many people ask: Why keep a journal? There are dozens of benefits of keeping a diary or journal. Dr. James Pennebaker, a social psychologist at the University of Texas, spearheaded…
Psychologists say ‘Bridget Jones effect’ of writing about feelings helps brain regulate emotions. Matthew Lieberman, a psychologist at the University of California in Los Angeles, said the effect differs from catharsis, which usually involves coming…
Journaling will help you to get over a break-up or cope with other up and down relationships in your life. While it may seem to be overanalyzing, studies have shown that venting about a past…
Steven Stosny, Ph.D., is the founder of CompassionPower in suburban Washington, DC. Dr. Steven Stosny’s most recent books are Empowered Love and Soar Above: How to Use the Most Profound Part of Your Brain under…
“Keeping a personal journal a daily in-depth analysis and evaluation of your experiences is a high-leverage activity that increases self-awareness and enhances all the endowments and the synergy among them.” — Stephen R.Covey Source: Why Keeping a…
I’ll bet you write (or word process) daily. If you are like most women, you record only what you must. In an effort to change your mind and your habits, I’ll let you in on…
The use of reflective journals with students is a popular form of pedagogy across a range of academic disciplines. The literature is replete with anecdotal and research‐based evidence of the benefits, issues and challenges associated…
Jill with their (Karen and Jills) Canadian publicist at Penguin Random House in Toronto.
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