Webinar: How to have better relationships with emotional intelligence
Join us for a free webinar on relationships and emotional intelligence, on February 18th at 10am Pacific.
Join us for a free webinar on relationships and emotional intelligence, on February 18th at 10am Pacific.
Being a bystander is the opposite of being a leader. The bystander chooses to remain uninvolved and takes no action.
Bearing witness, acknowledging, is powerful. Our culture has somehow made a habit of avoiding pain and encouraging others to avoid pain.
This talk by Ramona Hacker is a nice perspective on emotional intelligence. It’s great that she identifies the negative connotations that “emotional” has. She is a big proponent of journaling and Brené Brown. The three…
In a talk that’s by turns heartbreaking and hilarious, writer and podcaster Nora McInerny shares her hard-earned wisdom about life and death. Her candid approach to something that will, let’s face it, affect us all,…
Working with a team of researchers over several years, Meyer, who is CEO of social networking company Simpatico Networks, collected and reviewed most of the research on deception that has been published, from such fields as law-enforcement, military, psychology and espionage.
The soldier mindset represents motivated reasoning. This is a nice talk about how our personal commitments can impact our reality testing.
“Emotional Intelligence for Financial Advisors” video shoot with the most amazing team from Advocis! Thanks for a great experience! #Toronto #HyattRegency #Advocis
This is a statue of Achilles overlooking Hyde Park in London. I arrived in London to coach a senior executive for two full days. Kinda like a mini, one-one training course. I’m staying in this…
The creative process is often connected to the representation and expression of emotions. Similarly, when we look at famous artists we often connect their creations to their psychology. But what about emotions and the art…
Rework is by the 37 Signals guys, Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson. Their products are cool and some of their company ideas are innovative. It’s good to have a book around to flip through…
Nothing like getting to work with good friends!
Dan Pallotta is a great presenter and is very funny. This talk will have you laughing, but also thinking about charities in new ways. Pallotta says that philanthropy is the market for love. Social problems…
We have also found that micro-aggressions tend to affect problem-solving ability of the individuals in classrooms; work productivity goes down. And earlier, you were talking about health differences…
In these podcasts episodes, Timandra Harkness explores the best ways to disagree with other people in prosocial ways. How we all can cope with open-minded arguing rather than it degenerating into something less than helpful….
Some people might not think about their posture and body language, to the detriment of their attitude and negotiating power. It conveys competence. In a study conducted at Princeton, researchers found that a one-second clip of…
Emotionally Intelligent leaders are people you want to work with. They respect you and what you bring. They are focused on the heart of the matter and are ALL IN. Emotionally Intelligent organizations have a…
This is a nice overview of the importance of paying attention to evidence, and the best evidence, when confronted with worries and fears associated with the latest fashion. It’s a lesson in reality testing, but…
Stress has so many physiological effects and an important part of emotional intelligence is stress management. Here’s a short helpful video on the relationship between stress and memory (cognitive functioning!). Enjoy!
This article is nice overview of the relationship of emotional intelligence skills to design, solution-making, art and creativity. Artists and scientists throughout history have remarked on the bliss that accompanies a sudden creative insight. Einstein…
By Thomas Oppon, Founder of Alltopsstartups How elastic is your brain? The ability to stretch beyond your core strengths when necessary and quickly rebound back to your core skills and discipline is a desirable trait….
The Emotional Intelligence Training Company