ICF Central Florida members meeting up to discuss coaching and emotional intelligence.

Webinar: The Emotional Intelligence Coaching Blueprint

Emotional Intelligence has been around for three decades, has an entire centre dedicated to its study at Yale University and has been identified by the World Economic Forum as a Top 10 employability skill for 2020. What exactly is EI? Why is it important for coaches? And is there a model of EI that could act as a blueprint for coaching clients?

ICF Toronto Chapter, in Toronto Ontario, during a sunset over the Rogers building.

David Cory: Courage to Coach and Coaching with Courage

Join David Cory and ICF TorontoWednesday, September 18, 2019 ICF-Toronto Chapter Meeting6:30 pm to 9:00 pmThe Old Mill, Guild Hall, Room 21 Coaching takes courage. It takes courage to take a stand for your client….