Emotional intelligence of leaders: a profile of top executives

Examination of EI scores of two high profile executive groups in comparison with the general population.

Book cover: Primal Leadership

Steven J. Stein (Multi‐Health Systems, Toronto, Canada)
Peter Papadogiannis (Multi‐Health Systems, Toronto, Canada)
Jeremy A. Yip (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
Gill Sitarenios (Multi‐Health Systems, Toronto, Canada)

Steven J. Stein, Peter Papadogiannis, Jeremy A. Yip, Gill Sitarenios, (2009) “Emotional intelligence of leaders: a profile of top executives“, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 30 Iss: 1, pp.87 – 101


The purpose of this paper is to examine the emotional intelligence (EI) scores of two high profile executive groups in comparison with the general population. Also the study aims to investigate the executive group’s EI scores in relation to various organizational outcomes such as net profit, growth management, and employee management and retention.


The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ‐i) was administered to a sample of 186 executives (159 males and 27 females) belonging to one of two executive mentoring associations, the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) and the Innovators’ Alliance (IA). A series of questions relating to pre‐tax operating profits over the past three years, previous year’s net profit, and various business challenges were asked of each executive.

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