Journaling and emotional intelligence competencies
Focusing on emotional intelligence competencies might actually be the key to unlocking effective journaling.
Focusing on emotional intelligence competencies might actually be the key to unlocking effective journaling.
Kari Lotzien interviews David Cory about why it’s important for corporations and small businesses to invest in emotional intelligence.
“One of the best certification programs that I have been through.”
“I am thrilled to have something new to offer my clients!”
“One of the best certifications that I have ever taken.”
The ability to understand emotions contributes almost as much to students’ grades as their IQ. Past studies show two personal qualities are important for student academic success – intelligence and conscientiousness.IQ scores explain about 15%of the differences between students’ grades. Conscientiousness, such as having the diligence to do enough study, explains about 5%.
As a teacher with the Toronto District School Board and a PhD candidate in York University’s Faculty of Education, I now focus my research on mental health and its influence on the success of Black youth throughout our education system.
We enjoyed this article from Psychology Today about how Emotional Intelligence might play a bigger role in academic success than organization, and almost as big a role as IQ. It is written by Carolyn MacCann,…
In 2016 Amy Herman published her book, Visual Intelligence: Sharpen your Perception, Change Your Life. It is based on her seminar, “The Art of Perception,” which she delivers to a wide-range of professionals. When I…
The creative process is often connected to the representation and expression of emotions. Similarly, when we look at famous artists we often connect their creations to their psychology. But what about emotions and the art…
Talk about a fabulous group of EQ professionals! What a great group and a great EQ-i 2.0 Certification Course at the downtown campus of SAIT!
Climate science has been instrumental in developing the ambitious carbon emission reduction targets negotiated at the recent climate talks in Paris. At the same time, the kinds of actions needed to avert the worst effects…
Sometimes it’s helpful to return to the basics. How do we describe Emotional Intelligence? It can be difficult to reduce it to a single explanation. There does tend to be agreement, however, that both self-awareness…
What’s not to love about my job? We’re doing Emotional Intelligence training in Montreal!
Here in Ottawa thinking about how we finally have an Emotionally Intelligent Prime Minister!
The Emotional Intelligence Training Company