Leading with emotional intelligence, virtual workshop

Join David Cory on April 20 at the Sacramento ATD Chapter!

Leading with Emotional Intelligence, April 20, 3 to 4:30pm with David Cory, ATD Sacramento.

April 20, 2022 • 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Pacific

We now have over three decades of research on Emotional Intelligence (EI). What exactly is EI/EQ and why is it so important for professionals who work with leaders and organizations? Join David Cory, coach and leadership development specialist, to learn about emotional intelligence and how it is critical and relevant to your success in whatever you do.


  • Define emotional intelligence (EQ)
  • Apply EQ concepts in leadership and professional/career development
  • Describe one of the world’s leading models of emotional intelligence
  • Explore 5 key strategies in developing emotional intelligence competencies

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